Swearing enthusiast, part time Fire Marshall Bill impersonator and current DNC chair Tom Perez is considering changing the DNC to the DFNC. A move most strategist support considering the never ending parade of dumpster fires within the party, it's base and the media that protects them. This past week was pretty great, dumpster wise. At this point Perez and company are no longer trying to put them out. They just let them burn and think happy thoughts like election night 2008 and the latest Planned Parenthood grand opening where every attendee received a 50 percent off coupon and a plastic key chain shaped like a coat hanger.
The two most personality burdened candidates, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, repeated the dusty old debunked claim that Michael Brown was murdered. Even the left wing media called them out because it's beyond embarrassing. Especially for a former prostitute prosecutor. Meanwhile Beto changed a tire. That's not a dumpster fire but it's funny. Aside from dreadful personalities the democrat candidates have absolutely no situational awareness. Therefore they have no idea how bad their pandering and lies look to everyone not on the coasts. They're all in and they're not backing down which is fine with me. I love it when democrats say things everyone knows is bollocks and they're completely unaware.
The week though belongs to CNN. They are just one big fertile dumpster fire that routinely spawns mini dumpster fires. Speaking of spawn the dumbest of the Cuomo spawn tried to go alpha male but ended up going crazy lady on the subway. Poor Fredo. He never stood a chance. First off has anyone ever seen a photo or a video of Chris Cuomo where he didn't look like he just saw fire for the first time? I get it, he is tired of people thinking he is an idiot but non idiots don't shout"I'm Chris Cuomo and I have a show on CNN" before throwing an obscenity laced tantrum that includes some awesome high school threats such as "I'll ruin you!" and “I’ll f*cking throw you down these stairs like a f*cking punk.”. See that? Fredo Cuomo finally got to be the angry high school bully he always wanted to be. He's just less believable. Like Beto changing a tire. He's got the bone density of Woody Allen.
It used to be called the "Dirty Sanchez". Now it's called the Don Lemon. The one guy dumber than CNN Fredo is Don Lemon. This guy has never been all there. In fact when he's partially there he's still somewhere else. Apparently this creepy, Michael Jackson-like weirdo likes to wander around bars after fondling his San Francisco treats and stick his finger under an unsuspecting nose. I can't see Walter Cronkite doing that. I don't want to see Walter Cronkite doing that. Don Lemon is no Walter Cronkite. CNN only hies the best.
Ilhan Omar is being investigated again. I know, water is wet and Don Lemon is gay. Usually it takes a few terms to develop the corrupt resume she has but she's obviously an over achiever. She's given Nancy Pelosi ulcers and it's only going to get worse. More on that later. Meanwhile Horizontal Harris is still sliding in the polls. I suppose keeping people in prison past their release date because they are cheap labor is not a popular policy. Some people call it horrible. I call it slavery. Finally, people who should actually get reparations. Actually every American should get reparations after having to endure two years of Kamala Harris' laugh.
Next week will only get worse. The crazy lady who married her brother (Ilhan Omar) and the love child of Sandra Bernhard and Elvis Costello (Rashida Tlaib) planned on visiting Israel and meeting with Palestinian leaders. What could've gone wrong? After that and a press conference where they would've undoubtedly have said something outrageously anti Jew. Nancy Pelosi would have once again had to put out an anti Semitic dumpster fire. And, it's happening. Bibi Netenyahu has said "no thank you, stay home". They have been banned from Israel for any reason other than a humanitarian request. Ouch that's gotta hurt. Now we find the trip was co-sponsored by well known Palestinian anti Semite and BDS supporter Hanan Ashrawi. Then, later in the day it became a republican wet dream. Their itinerary actually read "U.S. Congressional Delegation to Palestine" In other words this trip was nothing more than an attempt to delegitimize the state of Israel. It failed and now the democrats are once again forced to defend these to bigots. This is a dumpster fire Pelosi cannot put out.Two of the Harpies of the Apocalypse have set alight the democrat party while possibly torpedoing their very own future political aspirations.
The democrat base, also known as Antifa is now attacking Ice locations. My question is why aren't they being charged with truancy? Does mom know what they are doing? Why hasn't Child Services gotten involved? Liberal logic posits that Donald Trump saying negative things about illegal immigrants who are mostly Latino means he is responsible for any aggression they might encounter. Using their logic democrats are to blame when lunatics attack ICE locations because the idiot with the big teeth from Brooklyn screams "concentration camp!". And, police officers are shot in Philly because Pocahontas and a prostitute in a Gordon Parks film (Kamala Harris) lie about police murdering Michael Brown.
I could go on forever because they cannot stop help themselves. The left is so round the bend they continuously shoot themselves in their left foot. As I write this I am finding more and more liberal lunacy. I can't keep up. More subpoenas from Jerry Nads, more CNN hate from the Afro'd Oompa Loompa. Lenin-Cortez stating "Trump supporters are too stupid to know their racist", etc. I now understand why Nancy Pelosi has more wrinkles than a Shar Pei.